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@KTzone » 歌詞庫 » Eminem Eminem » D12 - Devils Night » Obie Trice

歌 手: Eminem (Eminem)

歌 曲: Obie Trice (專 輯:D12 - Devils Night)

上傳會員: 能島海盜王

日 期: 2001 - 10

歌 詞
[Proof as DJ]
Yo, this is DJ Seven Deuce for Motown sounds of w-down(haha)
Give a big shoutout to Runyan Ave and them Detroit playas
And we're gonna go to the phone lines right now
[Kuniva as Rondell Beene] Callar my ass
You know who this is
Look I'm mad as hell
First you got Eminem
This nigga said he's gonna get me on his album
No show I didn't get on it
Then he signed this niggaz D12
Little punk ass niggaz
And all of a sudden I heard he signed this new motherfucker named...

[Obie Trice]
Obie Trice
First I took the underground over
The well known asshole' brought y'all hoar
Then the industry saw interest in me
Now I'm Shady Records like Marshall Mathers LP
Mr. Trice the name has occurred in your conversation
But the face is blur
And if you never spoke my name nigga you heard
Got word from that naggin bitch that stay bootleggin
Underground since the Fu-Schnikens
Or underground since Chi Ali was fuckin with them stupid bitches
Different kinda species
Shittin on your punk mothafuckas with a dirty dozen typa fecies

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